"I will come again tomorrow", Message by 9-Year-Old Japanese Boy

Toshihito a 9-year-old boy who missed his father, mother and grandmother during Tsunami searching all of them desperately at evacuation centers in the Japanese city of Ishinomaki. He holding up hand written signs pleading for information, on one is written their names, on the other the simple message "I will come again tomorrow."

Toshihito's father picked him up from school shortly after the earthquake struck last Friday, and the family were driving towards higher ground when the tsunami struck. Toshihito and his teenage cousin Yuto managed to crawl out of the car's broken window, but they became separated and the younger boy then lost consciousness. When he came to, a man fished him out of the water. Kuniaki Nishio, a journalist with Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, met Toshihito on Tuesday as he searched for his missing relatives. The boy remained determined that he would find his family. "When the roads clear up, I'm going to check our home," he said.

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