Is Your Wireless Network Secure? Here Are Some Tips...

Connecting to the internet and to other computers on our network wirelessly might be the best and most effective way to connect to the internet but one great downside of this is that it is also the most vulnerable. The more functions something has the more likely it is vulnerable to attack and the more developed something is the more people try to break through it. You have to realize that this principle also applies to the wireless technology and with a lot of people learning about it every day and with it becoming the dominant way to connect to the internet you should only expect the worse. The question now is should you stop using a wireless internet connection? No. To every problem there is a solution and I have decided to give you 3 basic solutions to your wireless security problems, all you need to do is implement them and get results. [Guest Post]

Make Sure Your Laptop is Wirelessly Secure
While we all focus on making our wireless router or network more secure in order to prevent a breach in the security of our wireless network another very important thing we always neglect is the security of our laptop itself. You will be able to connect to your wireless router through your wireless laptop, but the question is, how many people will be able to connect to your laptop wirelessly? You can try to prevent this by disabling "ad hoc" connection sharing under your wireless connection options (this can be found in your laptop wireless settings) and you easily start focusing on other methods of making your wireless network more secure.

Use Parental Control One thing about human beings is that we spend a large percentage of our time thinking about external attack without caring about internal attacks. The attack from the outside can easily be controlled and the attack from the inside is the deadliest because it can easily lead to you being attacked from the outside. What this means is that if you have kids around you who make use of your wireless internet you should take measures to control the type of websites they can access and what they can download online as this will further make your network more secure. Most kids don’t know what they are doing and its implications so they will easily do it without a second thought but it is your job to make sure this never happens, most wireless routers have parental control options so you can make use of this to secure your network.

Protect the Connecting Device Another highly important thing you should do to make sure your wireless network is protected is doing your best to make sure any device connecting to your wireless network is secure. This can easily be done by you making sure you install a solid antivirus, spyware detector, malware detector, firewall software and some other very important software applications to help better protect your network.

You won’t have many problems with your wireless network as long as your wireless devices are protected so you should do your best to take care of this aspect of your wireless network.

This is a guest post by Bamdel who helps you learn more about the best wireless broadband deals.

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