Multitasking And User Interface in 1982

Before 1982, one can only do one thing at a time on any computer. But then Rob Pike and Bart Locanthi in 1982 invented and developed the Blit Terminal. Blit Terminal was a first generation Windows environment where users could take advantage of the multitasking feature for the very first time. Initially Blit looked like an ordinary textual terminal but using UNIX host software one can see the display. The Blit technology was commercialized by AT&T and Teletype.

Today the technology is advanced, now computers allow us to do multiple works at a same time. We can do our office work while listening music and chatting with friends. And this is true computers makes our life so easier. 

This video from back in 1982 explains the whole Blit Terminal multitasking and user interface approach. Tutor in the video told that users could play “Asteroids” while their code was compiling, in all its monochrome green screen glory. The video goes into detail about how the mouse worked, which is rather amusing today, but bear in mind the few people who would have seen one in 1982 were computer scientists.

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